
  • Elemental Obstacle Course

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  • WPBC Christmas Exploration (Desc.) *Won*

    --Some of the scripts/meshes are expired, but the concept & story lines the same.-- NOTE: TALK TO THE ELF FIRST. You were just getting home from your daily walk when the snow gives in! You realize you fell in a camoflaged pit. It's all matrixy in the wormhole and you fall for what seems like hours, although you see light at the bottom. You say a quick prayer and prepare for landing. You come to a crash and are stunned for a while. Finally, you regain consciousness and look around. You're in charge of the next part.

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  • Summer Fun: School Demolition

    What's a better way to show your glad for something than to destroy the thing you're done with? I mean, it's true. Say "school" to regen. (When it gets a little more popular I'll add a VIP room. ^_^)

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