
  • play in robloxia town testing new things

    IF THE SERVER GO SHUTDOWN GO BACK THAT MAINS UPDATE DONE!!!! to do: driving around, make a family, play soccer, and much more!!!! NEW: villa's and new stuff body givers soccer field!!!! An perfect roleplay. work as: firefighter, police men, burgershot cashier, factory, and more. own a house or tree house get a car and done make a family and play. fully done but vip dont work i must repair it. updater every monday! with new cars, bikes, scooters. there is a cellphone you can call everbody! new kart, houses, morphs, and more!!!!!!! This town has many details and will have more in the future!

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  • new driver 2 back updated

    done and back GRAND-OPENING!!!!!!!!! i have powerfull cars and fully more just see it it is verrrryyyy funnyyyyy!!!!!!! with skate boards allow, but you dont have a skate board you start with one. i have skatepark, car's and just more you must play this!

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  • D-DAY omaha beach 6.june 1944 read desc.

    shutdowns mains updates sorry guys in the last update is everting what talk GWR sorry for that but you can play it that GWR is not extreme it is a little. THIS IS NOT FREE MODELS you are back in the time in the age of 6. jume 1944 there are so many weapons!!!! this is germany vs America this is a WWII war. i have much planes weps. and fun!!!! so fight in the WWII time.have bazooka, colton, m1 carbine fight kill germans or americans. all genres u.s.a spawn and germany spawn. artillery's, flag 88. cannons, 2 good planes have the germans. and 3 planes, tanks, jeeps, mortar pits have the amaricans. updates coming soon more war. if you like war in wwII than is this a very good game. and much more

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  • ★Haunted Amusment Park★ (Vote Accuracy 3+,5+)

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  • who killed Xbox360

    NEW find out who killed Xbox360. and look who it did for killing him. you will be laughing who the killer is?!?

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