
  • fun maze game

    Credits: syrz05 - building, modelling, lighting ChiefBench - building, modelling Alex Zunic - fun maze OST K. Pixels - Foliage, The Rolling Giant (tracks used ingame) vojnik_23 - scripting Kyepo - AI scripting :) restless.

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  • Backrooms - First Contact

    This game was made to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of Backrooms - First Contact by K. Pixels. Game is playable on mobile but not recommended Might get updates in the future

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  • Backrooms - The Third Test

    This game was made to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of Backrooms - The Third Test by K. Pixels. Music used: Project Systems Test by K. Pixels Game is playable on mobile but not recommended Might get updates in the future

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  • Hallways

    SHUTDOWN = UPDATE This game is heavily based off of the K. Pixels backrooms series PLACABLE CAMERA CONTROLS: Q, E- rotate tripod when placing or to switch between camera views MOUSE1 - place down camera G - toggle camera view Credits: K.Pixels - Backrooms series, Music used ingame Alex Zunic - Custom OST, writing Chief_Bench, syrz05 - building, lighting TheAmazingNick - sounds, ambience, building epieic3 - scripting Restruked - gun man hazmat clothes used ingame: https://www.roblox.com/catalog/9973787233/Async-Hazmat-Shirt https://www.roblox.com/catalog/9973790746/Async-Hazmat-Pants do not trust the dog

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Chief_Bench has no creations.