This is a demo of the Full Release of the Turbulent Seas. It has been updated to a 2.0 Version, expect bugs.
Things that you can do:
- get the sloop, schooner, brig, & galleon
- cargo trade
- explore the map
Things that are planned for the demo:
- piracy
- ship combat
- player PVP
You can get freecam if you are in a private server you own, just press SHIFT+P (This does not work for mobile, I am sorry)
The Turbulent Seas
Roblox Premium benefit: 3x multiplier when getting Dedication Tokens
**Game is in EARLY development, expect bugs
*Another Note: Game is currently being revamped, when it's done, it will be fully released. A lot of the mechanics in-game will be replaced. The game is still in beta.
The Turbulent Seas is a newly discovered group of archipelagos. With no colonial interests from the world powers, many crews scramble for influence. What will you achieve?
Crew Command: /Crew (name) - Can only work if the player is near, and if the player has no ships spawned.
Keep in mind overweight ships are slower, and are lower in the water
RawEggTheGreatIX has no creations.
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