
  • Capture the Castle CTC!

    Rules are simple, stand on the grey spawns to turn them to your team color, and if you stand on the objective on the top of a castle, you will now have control of the castle!

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  • The Mirror World

    "Darkness and Light are two sides of a single coin; neither cannot exist without the other." As is with this. One world, all luscious and full, another devistated by destruction. What secrets do they hold?

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  • Sonic 3D

    Remember Sonic back in the good 'ol days of Green Hill Zone? or even the classic remake in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle? Well then, its here, for you, on ROBLOX. ----------------------------V1.1.4 if the game says different, your in an old server

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  • Lunar Angels Hideout

    The Lunar Angels are a group of elite mercenaries who strive to complete their jobs in the most efficent means possible. However, you accidentally found yourself in the middle of their base. Now, you must fight to live... or death shall be your only reward.

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  • Aethertemple

    Ather, or Void as some call it, is a place of eternal night, always cold, and very mysterious. But, you, and only you, can uncover the secrets this mysterious place holds

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