
  • Dumpster Diving! [HUGE UPDATES]

    Thanks for 1000+ plays :) Drop a like on the game please! (Majority of current dislikes on game are from someone and their friends, they don't reflect the game) [Objective] You spawn outside of a pizza parlor near the dumpsters, you feel sudden urges to gracefully jump into the contraption.. Once you've started to fall down into your imminent death, navigate your way to the landing area, where you will find yourself dead. With some points. You can then use those death points to buy yourself some nifty gear at the shops.

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  • Trinity City

    Please drop a thumbs up and favorite on the game :) Building Privileges: http://www.roblox.com/Trinity-City-Building-Privilege-item?id=270339769 Kohl's Admin Commands: http://www.roblox.com/Trinity-City-Admin-Commands-item?id=270339755

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