
  • ER:LC Concepts

    This project focuses on the top community suggestions, bringing them to life as concepts! Legacy builds (2022): Renovated the LC Prison and created a new gun store New builds: 👀 What would you like to see added next? Drop suggestions in our server.

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  • ❄️ OMB Hangout

    Winter has hit, snow covering roads, iced over river and more! Weekly events over the month of December, keep an eye out.. Official hangout for the OMB Community.. explore the Highstreet, compete in mini-games, or relax at the beach. ⭐ Like & favourite the game to keep updated with new features. OfficialJellyPlays: Scripting & map design Nokturat: 3d Assets LMVM2041: Scripting Wuffy78: Building 🐛 Any bugs can be reported on our communications server!

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