
  • orangewarrior78's Place Number: 129

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  • Gun Testing

    [Made it friends only incase people from the forum come to dislike my game for no reason] This is a place where you can test my laser guns and other guns i make, they are all free in my inventory. ROBLOX removed comments, so dont bother leaving a suggestion or anything like that. One guy tried this game with a tablet, it didnt work and he disliked it lol. ( Im not joking) IMPORTANT These guns are still being worked on, half of the features on the guns dont work yet since TurboFusion is still working on his V4 Gunkit. MOST IMPORTANT: Please note that i've built the guns and used the newest Turbofusion gunkit to help make the guns function, which is unfinished. Also know that Turbofusion has given permission for his scripts to be used by anyone. [UPDATE LOG] Jerry now says up to date things Paintball gun has been added. Star Wars pistol thing has been added. More guns..whenever ( Credit to TurboFusion for scripts) (Credit to PixelFlame for faces)

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