
  • Avondale Stadium

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  • Firestone County County Council Chamber

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  • Titanic 2

    Escape the flooding waters

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  • Sinking Ship Simulator Alpha 1.7 (6,500!!!)

    Wow! 6,500 Visits I am blown away! Thank you all for 6,500 Visits yeeet boi. 1.0 I made a great great wall so you can't swim out of the map. I also removed the baseplate. 1.1 I spent 2 hours trying to figure out how to make Robloxian's able to go downstairs. I manged to figure out so the players may now go on lower decks! 1.2 I noticed the game was broken with the sinking process so I fixed it! (For now) 1.3 I added lifeboats but I could not find a way to lower them so they are already lowered but I tried it took me hours to figure out! 1.4 I made it so the ship sinks fully! I also added a few more lifeboats not driveable... YET! 1.5 I fixed many building errors so random blocks are not sticking out of the ship I managed to get around 90% of those blocks :) 1.6 Made it night inserted some decoration. 1.7 Bug fixes added detail changed textures.

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  • Swindle International Airport

    Season:Spring Month:May Forecast/Temperature:Sun/Snow Temperature:21F Terminal A: Air Canada/Express This is not a Free Flight Airport :) 48% Done or less may take off at this airport. The take off speed has to be lower than 237 or 767-300ER (Take of right away in the 767)

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