
  • Achievements and Stats

    Achievements - http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=59523101 Achievements 2 - http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=59529310 Achievements 3 - http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=65612234&ForcePublicView=true EBL NCAA Stats - http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=61601161 RFL Stats - http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=62414729 CBA Stats - http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=60391912 NFL NCAA Stats: http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=72579418&ForcePublicView=true OFL Stats: http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=69058157 NBA Stats: http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=88927377&ForcePublicView=true

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  • Never Finished...

    ==EBL Awards== S7: 1st Overall Pick 2x Rising Star Appearance (S7,S8) 1x Rising Stars Game MVP (S8) 1x All-Stars Game Appearance (S8) 3x Playoff Appearance (S7, S8, S9) 2x Eastern Conference Finals Appearance (S7,S9) 1x Eastern Conference Finals Champion (S9) 1x Western Conference Finals Appearance (S8) 1x Finals Appearance (S9) 1x All Rookie Team First (S7) 2x All EBL Team Third (S7, S9) 1x EBL Finals Champion (S9) 1x EBL Finals MVP (S9) EBL Hall of Fame Goodbye EBL. I'm glad I came before S9 because the league officially fell apart S10.. S7 was a season that was filled with unfair disappointment, but S8 was redemption and S9 was where I got what I deserved... Thanks EBL for giving me a chance in NCAA and bringing me to the Finals to win the MVP and a ring 3 seasons later.

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