
  • demilition plans

    95 percent of this place made by rey6193021.red team or blue team... ok u get in and u blow up the other team plane to regan the plane. what u do is. when u spown there is a door with nothing in it fall down and there is a perple butten press it reganed. the red butten is vip to get u have to by my t shirt for 50 robux or 512 tix if u by for 50 I will love y u forever. ps 512 tx is the same as 50 robux

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  • Linkin park sound studio

    this place is where the band of Linkin Park records there songs hear is the band and what they do (Chester Bennington, main singer) (Mike Shinoda, raper and piano est) (Joe Hahn, mixer and DJ) (Rob Bourdon, drummer) (Phoenix, bass guitar) (Brad Delson, lead guitarist)

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  • servivel camp

    the military sent u to take over the speznet camp but a sic ness was going a round and terned u into telomon and he only will eat blood of a human...Justin beber is there but he is safe becouse who whonts to kill him and eat his guts becouse he stinks o whell they got him sick to (thank the heavens!)

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  • battle for driese

    you russins japs usa germans are fighting for this base see who can get it first

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  • the lessons of death (construction) looking good

    welcome to a Middle School the school an exact replica or an almost exact replica of where i go to school where the zombie pandemic began it was a nice afternoon until one of the 8th graders named Spike ate a hamburger that had mad cow disease and just like zombie land and we all know how that turned out and me agentp5426 and others are set out on a quest to hopeful to kill them off we will se how this turns out good luck your going to knead it!!!

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