
  • Rebuilding

    Going to attempt a Recreation of Falcon Heavy Block 5. Might build BFR too, idk cause BFR is really complex, and if I'm doing it im making the interior...

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  • Wobbly Buildings! [Wobbly Buildings 2 on its way!]

    -NOTE- When you join, its likely that the buildings would have fallen themselves. just press the purple regenerate button to make it reset, and then it should stand. ----Whats been added in the latest update?---- -Tried to fix buggy run tool, wont work :( -Brand new building :D! Unfortunately, due to lots of moving parts, this game suffers bad lag. I do not want to weld the buildings, so you will have to deal with it im afraid. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roblox really needs a better physics engine...like REALLY. Every time you join the buildings collapse themselves... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you rage at me, i know it is slightly offensive to those who were involved in 9/11. If you think its offensive, dont play it. Simple as that.

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  • Roblox Physics Stress Tests

    I have FINALLY got something that stands properly. Wahoo!

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LuckilyLua has no creations.