
  • HIDE

    RUN! IT'S GOING TO GET YOU! ESCAPE THE FLYING MONSTER AS HE DESTROYS THE MAP! HOW LONG CAN YOU SURVIVE? 👍UPDATE AT 20,000 LIKES! Let us know if you want VR support! 1/17 - New Map! Happy Neighborhood! - Removed sliding - Special rounds changed from every 5 -> 3 rounds 12/6 - New Map! Moon Base! - Taunting! - New Starterpack! - New exclusive skin! Burglar! - Winter themed lobby! - Bug Fixes 11/22 - Added nuke - Added Powerup Rain - Added Darkness - GAME MODES! Every 5 rounds! - Added Infection game mode! - Added UI feedback - Made some UI adjustments - Bug fixes Made by guywithapoo and thunder1222. Released 10/9/2024.

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  • Slide House Tumble 2

    Favorite + Notifications to know when its out!

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  • [!] Alpine Slide to Telamon!

    👍 NEXT UPDATE AT 225K LIKES 👍 Get in a cart and roll down this alpine slide to winners! "W" for boost. 'S' to brake. 'C' for POV Camera. 2/2 Update -Second spawner added game developed by guywithapoo and alex_ander

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  • [Beta] Weenie Inc🌭

    Eat hotdogs🌭 Get Fat😋 Build your own hotdog factory 🏭 Hire staff👨‍💼 You can even feed your friends weenies! Create the ultimate Hotdog enterprise in [Beta] Weenie Inc🌭! Developed by thunder1222 & guywithapoo Beta released 9.1.2023 7:00 PM

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  • Slide House Tumble

    Tumble down a huge slide while inside of a house and try to survive! Developed by guywithapoo. Sketch blessed me: https://youtu.be/0zWacN9LQRI Released February 6th. 2022 11:54 PM

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  • Lag Test 2020: Classic Edition

    The first-ever version of Lag Test 2020, left just how it was. Developed by guywithapoo on March 14th, 2020, between 12 PM and 9 PM.

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  • Rail Ride to the Mountain

    Go on an exhilarating ride through The Valley, The Caverns, and The Desert Cliffs on your journey to the top of The Mountain. COMING SOON: - Grappler Gamepass - Fix Cart Gamepass - More Trails - More Colors - More Carts breadbutcooler first winner Developed by guywithapoo.

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  • Lag Test 2021

    Released on 3/14 Want to compare your device's capabilities against your friends? Join Lag Test 2021. This game does not support FPS unlockers yet, please disable them when playing. Join my group for perks: https://www.roblox.com/groups/7161381/guywithagroup#!/about

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  • Cart Ride Around guywithapoo!

    Make sure you have your seatbelt on and important items secured. Roblox's Fastest Vehicle has made a visit to this cart ride to enhance the speeds... (Spoiler: YOU GO UPSIDE DOWN) THANK YOU ALBERT!!!!!!!!! x2 First ever winner goes to: 0_Fog Update 12/14/2021: - Fixed a bug that will reduce crashing on mobile! Go play my friend's cart ride: https://www.roblox.com/games/4913581664/Cart-Ride-Into-Rdite I was going to make this a "cart ride into" but I realized I could make it go around instead

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  • Number Visualizer 2020

    Ever wanted to see how big a number REALLY is? Number Visualizer 2020 lets you do this. Insert a number into the bar, and hit the start button. Watch as parts are created around you, and use the settings menu to customize the parts. The system will not always give you the exact number you put in, but it will generate a number close to your input. LAG WARNING: When doing large generations, please be aware that your device may lag. Please keep in mind that crashing could also happen. ---------------------- Keyboard Controls: F: Toggles Freecam. ---------------------- 7.20.2020

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  • Roblox Combination Lock

    The goal? Get through the door. Communicate effectively with your partner to crack the code! This works exactly like your school locker! This lock uses Roblox physics instead of scripts, which makes it different over other Roblox locks.

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  • Roblox's Fastest Vehicle

    Hello, it's me. The Lag Test 2020 guy. I'm back with another testing project, this time I have attempted to create the fastest moving vehicle in Roblox. If you find another game with a faster vehicle, please let me know so I can rename the game. This game is NOT for the faint of heart. If you are that kid in class who always strives to turn in the test first, this is for you. If you wanna go FAST, this is for you. The Porsche 918 Spyder can go 0-60 MPH in 2.2 seconds. This vehicle can exceed the Porsche instantly. Without further ado, please enjoy Roblox's fastest vehicle. The goal as the player: Become the fastest Roblox player in the world. Credits: - Thanks Rdite for making the awesome new lobby! His Twitter is: @Rdite_RBLX - Thanks to Jaudr3y for the AMAZING rocket model! Follow her on Twitter: @Jaudr3y

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  • Lag Test 2020

    LAG TEST 2021 IS OUT NOW: https://www.roblox.com/games/6356806222/Lag-Test-2021?refPageId=972dbfcf-966e-4acf-a10e-ab6ae7bf55fd Want to see how much your computer can REALLY handle?! Join Lag Test 2020 to find out. There are ZERO admins for this Testing place. Anyone claiming that they are an admin is fake. Report them for exploiting. Big thanks to both KonekoKitten and MyUsernamesThis for making 2 amazing videos on Lag Test 2020. Join my game development group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/5100700/PK-Clutch#!/about All parts in this lag test are local, so you are assured to get the real amount of lag you can handle. Personally, my PC has trouble with framerate and the physics slow down past 500 parts. The game becomes unplayable past 8000. Currently, at 4000 parts, I have 5 fps. RIP If you could withstand over 500 new parts, leave a like!

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  • Lag Test 2016

    Wanna see how much lag your computer can handle? Then Join this game! This is the old version, you can play Lag Test 2020 here: https://www.roblox.com/games/4778989425/Lag-Test-2020?refPageId=9d85a47a-1894-40da-bc90-d4c301e7ca95 INSTRUCTIONS: Medium Lag info: Press button once for medium lag. LOTS of lag info: Press button multiple times for lots of lag.

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guywithapoo has no creations.