
  • Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS)

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  • Defence School of Transport

    Welcome to Defence School of Transport British Army, Regiments housed in this barracks: Royal Tank Regiment Royal Army Medical Corps Royal Military Police Education Training Service Royal Logistics Corps Driving rules: Use bridge crossings provided(Some vehicles will just float) Do not deviate from paths unless strictly told If you get got backtrack yourself until you are in familiar surroundings. Report any bugs to the game owner Admin rules: Col+ get moderation (If in a regiment) No abusing admin (I.E fling) If flying do be be aware you may experience lag. Purpose: The purpose of DST is to enable the British Army vehicle capability in multiple of regiments to face challenging routes and gain an understanding in off road driving.

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  • Royal Tank Regiment Headquarters

    With new update allow for longer loading time Games rules: Correct uniforms must be work for your rank! Be polite! No admin abusing. (Seril) Do not enter other peoples offices with out their permission! Do not enter placed in which you are not authorised! Royal Tank Regiment HQ, currently used for the purpose of training development through RTRST's, Inspections and Drill trainings. Apparently clearly need to state this but I take no credit for vehicle, Scripting, weapons or Clothing morphs Building and scenery (apart from trees) are genuine.

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