
  • [IR] Fort Russkaya

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    Quotes: "Stop blowing the damn AA horns"-LordRichardFletcher "let's see what :ban all does"-BLOX23bc "I WANT ADMIN!GIMME! GIMME!-JabirJafarKazal "LTs nor Commanders are not in the admin script, and now we want WOs getting admin?"-JabirJafarKazal "A GRILL IS NOT A STOVE!!!!!" - Trex11122 "Die, just go die." - JabirJafarKazal "My cat was biting my hand, and guess what? It hurt...." - Trex11122 "I don't like this hat, there's AA all over it." - WarriorCatz25 "Mind if we kill you mercilessly?" -Shotgun457 "Tricorne gets so much credit for building TGNB but he almost ruined it" - MaccaGuy "Because my training consist of bongo drills and seeing who can hack the server " - VineYardVine "No you're a terrible person shut up." - GmoneyMaker "Wolf, take that off quotes you freaking peasant." - Gmoneymaker "You're just a scumbag wolf, you can not decide what is quote worthy or not..." -JabirJafarKazal "ONE DIRECTION ARE MY GODS." -Warriorcatz25 "All FMs (clap)" - Game

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