
  • Size Simulator

    This game is still in develop expect glitches. - In this game you press the button "Click" in the left of the screen to increase your size and speed! - If you're bigger enough you can fling tiny people! UPDATE LOG -Added new coins (coin shop coming soon) SHUTDOWN = UPDATE --(This project has been descontinued.)--

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  • Simple Shooter Game

    Have fun in this FFA shooter game.

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  • Test Scripts

    If you want to get a script just click on any brick. -Notes: - Just click the brick once or your character will glitch. - I'll try to figure out what to do to fix the spawn killing. - Say "kick (name)" to votekick an abusive player. - When a server is 15 minutes old it will shutdown to fix lag. -Warning: This game contains blood. Also the scripts are Filtering Enabled so other people can see it. FAN GROUP: https://www.roblox.com/groups/4563656/Skeleton-xD#!/about 🌟UPDATE LOG🌟 ⭐ When a server is 15 minutes old, it will shutdown to fix lag and buttons glitch. ⭐ Votekick system added, say "kick (name)" to vote kick someone. SHUTDOWN = UPDATE

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