
  • Mayflower Department of State Headquarters

    Under Secretary of State WalterHeinrich's Administration. CURRENTLY A WORK IN PROGRESS Built by Aerrorex

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  • Tropico 5 Palace Showcase (WIP)

    Tropico 5 Palace from the steam game "Tropico 5" Created by Aerrorex The palace is basically complete I just need to finish the exterior and add decorations, etc

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  • The WalterH Shrine

    Dedicated to Walter the man Heinrich

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  • Mystery House San Jose, California

    - NOTICE - This is not a haunted house game. It's simply just a showcase of a mansion that I thought had amazing history behind it. - History The Mystery House is a real house in California. The history behind it is that it was owned by an heiress to a gun empire who was paranoid that she was being haunted by the people killed by her family made rifles. From this mansion being a farmhouse, the heiress ordered her farmhouse to be expanded to appease the ghost. At one point in the United States, it stood as the largest mansion. Some rooms remained unfinished like the real mansion. Built by: Aerrorex

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