
  • The Tomb of Decimus E. Vyycan - Dues Imperator

    Forged from tyranny, built upon the bones of the oppressed, expansion's shadow will fall, none will escape, worlds a blaze, fire will consume them, cries of the fallen will resonate, they shall bear chains. Technological supremacy is ours. Respect through allegiance. YT playlist; TSFH-Armada(WarAnthem)0:00+ Infamous2-Bertrand(WarMarch#1)2:02+ TSFH-DarkAges(WarMarch#2)0:14+ TSFH-1000ShipsOfTheUnderworld(WarMarch#3)0:00+ ArsaArcana-Tyrannos(Emperor'sTheme)0:00+ ImmediateMusic-LacrimosaDominae(TombSong)0:00+ CREDITS: Dreapster;Statue collab, CrakTheRaven;VyycanStatue, DISCLAIMER; Extravagance & detail was the objective for this place, THIS PLACE WILL LAG A LOT. Higher end PCs required to visit. Thumbnails uploaded for those who are unable to run the map.Title; "Dues Imperator";only for roleplay value alone.

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  • Project Legacy [Sect 1] Capital City [Free]

    Project legacy was named Legacy for one reason, my final dying legacy for the sci fi community of roblox, a laggless space raid system I never had completed. My work, is now yours, for all the technology I have taken, hoarded, invented and designed over the years, this is what Im giving back to the community. Enjoy this, as much as I enjoyed roblox! -E981

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  • Project Legacy [Sect 2] Mid Orbit Octavia [Free]

    This was the mid orbit section of the land to space space raid system I had made for project legacy, this is my legacy, the legacy I leave behind for the sci fi community of roblox! -E981

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  • Project Legacy [Sect 3] High orbit hub [Free]

    This was the center hub station for project legacy, by far the coolest space station Ive made on roblox. I hope you enjoy this guys. -E981

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  • Project Legacy [Sect 5] Miridian system [Free]

    Just another system you couldve warped to in project legacy. its free now. -E981

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  • [E.M.I.] Corporate Global HQ [Spring][Showcase]

    This is Pre-OVA/OSE era building. This was early 2009 mid 2010 building. Everything here was mde for E.M.I., the majority of this stuff is free in my models. This has the entire E.M. INDUSTRIES (EMPIRE INDUSTRIES) crown armada, as well as all squadron vessels, arctic base, the majority of sold models as well. The black E.M.I. models are what you could call "Early 2009, Era 1 EMI), Era 2 EMI is the light gray white models, Era 3 is the dark gray models, which was borderline OVA Era. The only things not included is the E.M.I. SKYHOOK utopian construction facility which is a mechanical ring around an entire planet, & THE E.M.I. ECLIPSE titan class super capital. DISCLAIMER: This is a showcase, not a place built for efficiency. MAP HAS POTENTIAL FOR LAG.

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  • [O.V.A.] Centria Outpost 1 [Winter][Showcase]

    The second Centria outpost (There was two, one with more armor, one without) this is the one without. Was inspired by AVATAR's mining operations on the planet Pandora. This is not for free, this is a showcase of the old OVA just before it went under. Favorite if you were in OVA or remember the last golden age of space clans in 2010. It was originally intended to be a summer base, but I changed it to winter for a few weeks back in late 2010 and then, then OVA went under due to a number of reasons and it never got changed back. This was back when OVA was officially allied with Derb540's Umbrella Corp, and Vaktus's Vaktovian Empire. The best times of my roblox experience were spent here.

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  • [E.M.I.] E981's Private Starship [Winter][Free]

    This was my prized possession from 2009-2011. I met with virtually all the famous players and leaders here during the EMI,OVA,OSE eras both leaders and game makers. This is essentially what you could call "A yacht in space", or "A limo in space". This was inspired by the user TaaRT's private starship which I found extremely inspirational when I played roblox back in 2009. The interior of this ship was meant to be similar to the Enterprise of Star Trek (2009) movie. In the OVA era it was then gutted and modded as a heavy gunship, similar to the "Dragon Gunship" from AVATAR, until a user named z5151 made it free after we had a very large dispute with each other. The lore behind this was it was located in orbit above the planet "Alpha Centrinium 7" the EMI colony/home world, but was later moved to "Tauris" the OVA HQ/home world.

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  • Centralis City section 1 [Free]

    The 2nd section to the city is here: http://www.roblox.com/Centralis-City-section-2-Free-place?id=18924284 My 3rd city: http://www.roblox.com/Project-Legacy-Sect-1-Capital-City-Free-place?id=18924315

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  • Centralis City section 2 [Free]

    the second section of my city I made, enjoy

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E981 has no creations.