
  • My Model Gallery

    I put all of my models in here to show-off. :3

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  • [[OSU]] Memorial Fort Eox

    To remember OSU's first fort.

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  • [OSU] Training Arena V 1.0

    RP ALERT: Orbitia's biggest crater. It was created when the deathly clan of Vortex Security Sent a scout to scout the planet. Their aircrafts were not good enough, because they were not expecting the great gravitational pull of Orbitia, where Vortex Securities' was barely anything. The scout crashed in to here, and VS thought it was safe, came after us, and crashed into the dwellings of the earth, to increase the size of the crater. We now use this arena for trainings, aswell as tournaments!

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  • my laboratory


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  • [[OSU]] Atm's Academy | V4.3 (FINISHED)

    RP ALERT: This Academy is located on Orbitia's main moon, Cartus, that has flown out of orbit and took orbit on a new planet called Omnium, thus the moon has taken the best atmosphere for OSU: GA soldiers to train, as the purplish substance named Agiria, a thinner, purplish lava substance, but not as hot. This has given the perfect condition for our lower ranks. For sword fighting, meeting, and completing obstacle courses. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome, cadet. May you train here in peace, or with your highers yelling at you. Either way, you are on your way to being an OSU soldier. Good luck, future OSU.

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