

  • MrWedgefordMansPlace

    Nestled in picturesque landscapes, Wedgeford Abbey & Channingford Railways (WA&CR or WACR) invites travellers to an enchanting realm. This narrow gauge railway elegantly traverses Wedgeford, carrying passengers to the historic Wedgeford Abbey near idyllic Wedgeness. Plans to extend to Channingford promise more adventures. Crossing the Broads region, it links secluded villages to urban hubs, earning acclaim as the BMLR's most scenic line. Join our transportation world, whether driving trains, buses, or cars, or guarding trains. Relax aboard our trains or engage in community activities. Join our vibrant community on our communication server. Stay informed about trainings, share ideas, report issues, and bond with fellow enthusiasts. Respect and common sense guide us, ensuring enriching experiences for all. Misconduct will be swiftly addressed, nurturing community harmony.

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