
  • Showcase

    Still working on it, figured I should put some of my more interesting projects here.

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  • Stargate Pegasus Exploration

    Updates are here! Savable characters, Stargate Sounds, and a few other minor bug fixes. Thank you all for bearing with me as I fought internally about whether to update this place again! If you'd like to visit Atlantis, go ahead and check it out right here: http://www.roblox.com/Atlantis-City-of-the-Ancients-place?id=59465489 The city is built completely by me.

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  • Atlantis, City of the Ancients

    Run around and explore the city of the ancients, built completely by me, aside from the Stargate in the gate room in the spire. I built the City over the Summer of 2013 as a surprise for a buddy of mine, and it stemmed into the Stargate Pegasus Exploration game. Quite odd, actually, how often projects of mine start out as something really small and blossom into something bigger than I had thought/expected.

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  • Molly's Pub

    The bar is for family only. No exceptions. PM me suggestions, future updates will include the ability to purchase weapon passes so you can protect yourself, should the need arise.

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Sp1nt3rC311 has no creations.