
  • NFL Football - Scenic/Team Update

    Yes, "an update?" is the obvious question - I checked up on this site and saw how barren the stadium looked, so I added a city skyline on one side and a mountainous valley and waterfall to the other. I also added two new teams, the Referees and Cheerleaders. Seeing that people still play this makes me happy and proud, and I want you to enjoy this as much as possible. Thank you! Since I've, for all intensive purposes, left ROBLOX, I decided to put up NFL, by far my biggest success, once more for good. Feel free to enjoy this game just as many people did back in the day. Invite friends, cheer for other players, and enjoy yourself in NFL Football.

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  • Walt Disney World!

    So far, this game has the Tower of Terror and Pirates of the Caribbean. There is still very much to do, but feel free to visit. 370 Disney, 367 (Lo tr), 293 (Disney), ### ###### #### ########## 362 (game) (old thingy) http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=127449869 ### #### is here...

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  • 2D Adventure: The Golden Door

    This is a 2-D game in which you wake up with a golden door in your house that is mysteriously blocking your way to the forest. You begin asking around town, marking the start of your long journey. Rune-scape: 82 Paper Airplane Flying: 18 Space: 108-111 2D Adventure: 118

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