
  • TRON LightCycle Battles-Bikes Fixed!

    Surprisingly, this is one of my most popular games even though it's so simple. It's based on the original Tron game. Welcome to the Grid, Player, your goal is to race around on a lightcycle trying to crash your opponents while not crashing yourself. VIP Shirts no longer sold until I get BC again

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  • Ipiano Labs--Where the future starts NOW--Fixed

    This is Ipiano Laboratories. Welc--DON'T TOUCH THAT!!! Sorry, that would have been very bad. Anyway welcome, this is my storage/test facility. Anything here is guaranteed to be not a complete free-model if at all. This is all mine, and with it...I will rule the world.

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  • Maze Running

    Ever wonder what it's like to be stuck in a giant hedge maze? Well now you have your chance! Jump in and solve mazes to your heart's content because every 5 minutes, this game completely rearranges itself, constantly creating new mazes for you to solve! Want a more casual experience? Don't worry, the game generates multiple levels of maze so that any user can have fun without being too frustrated!

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  • ZorkBloxia--Fixed

    Older players might recognize this... if enough interest is shown, I might finish it

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  • Testing Grounds

    This is a testing facility for stuff I'm developing. Feel free to stop in and try it out! Currently testing: Destroyable Models Customizable Weapon Loadouts New Flight Controls

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