
  • Jesus Forgives

    Please be kind to one another, even if the other person is cursing God. "The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered." (Proverbs 17:27 NIV) Like and favorite to help spread the gospel! If you are a believer, or you want to find out more about God, join our church group, ShadowFall Church! We hope to see you there! Here's the link: https://www.roblox.com/groups/group.aspx?gid=918744 Thank you for your donations, you make this ministry possible! If you are here to complain, keep these two things in mind. 1. Do you really think that you are going to change our views by hating us? 2. If you think we're trying to "shove religion down [your] throats", please keep in mind that you chose to come here and you have the choice to play or not. Thank you!

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  • Destroy The Roblox Icon!!

    It took me 20 hours to make this work of art. It is a giant mosaic of the Roblox icon. NOW DESTROY IT!!!!

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  • Secrets...

    Many secrets in this place. I'll update this when I get time. I hope you can figure out all the secrets.

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  • ~ The Rose Theatre ~

    The Rose Theatre was an actual Elizibithian theatre built in Bankside, Southwark, in England by Philip Henslowe and John Cholmley in 1585. It was one of the smaller, less popular theatres, but it was the first purpose-built playhouse to ever stage a production of any of Shakespeare's plays. I created this life size version of the Rose Theatre for a school presentation. Check out this cool time-lapse of the building process! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6KW6OntBYY This is currently being used as the debate center for my theological debate group, Shadowfall Debate Center. Feel free to check this place out, but keep in mind that there might be a debate going on here.

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