
  • 200+ Visits and still counting!! Sun Down valley(A

    Sorry this game is currently in a big mess, if you play you will likely end up stuck ina lobby...Here you are at a group of islands, some what near Europe, these islands where discovered by Christopher Columbus, but do you know the true story where small pox actually game from? Theses islands are polulated by wolves, strange wolves... some with wings... some with powers... Christopher stayed at one of the islands, and set up camp... many of his crew died.. as a uncontrolble disease... flooded throw his crew... some survived... But they left the islands... and all that's left of there camp.. is just ruins... Christopher never told anyone of this patch of islands.. so it came to be unknown to humans... There are 4 packs... the Dawn Pack Loyal Proud Feirce, The Dusk Pack Mysterius Kind Sneaky... These are the 2 packs you will be able to be, they can have wings , but No powers... And theres The midnight pack, and the Mid-noon pack... Admins: Splashstar , ThatCat , Oceania , Fuzzballka

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  • Wanna see where I am doing all my work? s

    You'' be alble to see the models I built..

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  • Twilight Cliffs (W.I.P.)(Dragon rp, or maybe a wol

    This is a new game, It is the surprise... I havenèt told anyone about but now, since yesterday afternoon, I felt like you guys should know... this is very incomplete at 30% done.

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  • Random obby that i will finish in the futer..

    an obby duh.!

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