
  • Viewport camera system

    updated and replaced all sounds to compensate for the new Roblox audio privacy update (idk when i can have time to update this lol) find coins in this game using my crappy Viewport camera system to find them lol i will add datastore soon to save the money when your collecting them so you will see who played this game for long time edit: DATASTORE IS HERE, now you can save coins lol now enjoy 3 hours of my work for this stupid minigame lol

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  • Lobby™ ᴬᴸᴾᴴᴬ (Abandoned)

    THIS GAME WILL NO LONGER BE UPDATED, BUT REMAINS PLAYABLE, this is a place so you can see my process of improving on animating since 2018, history purposes so yea DONT CLICK ON ANY PROMPT UP OF GETTING MODEL, ITS A VIRUS, this game has been infected so yea, just don't click on them

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  • Slow motion system 2.80

    pushed out some hotfix which hopefully made this playable (Not much noticeable but better than nothing), join the link below if you want to see the changelogs maybe? Your choice updated and replaced all sounds to compensate for the new Roblox audio privacy update hey guys, it's been a while, thank you for 200 likes, I appreciate it, I am going to rewrite this game in the near future to make it has more stuff, better UI stuff, and possibly multiplayer too! However it will take really long before I can rewrite this game due to other games I'm focusing on as a main priority, this was just a fun game I made to showcase someone else's work while putting my own stuff in to make it unique and fun, thank you for reading this is the game I worked on the most due to that I have to make a bunch of functions about toggling GUI and I have many issues but I fixed it so far, woohoo slow-motion credit goes to FracturedSoftware! Global leaderboard credit to ThatTimothy!

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  • Zipline system 2.80

    fixed some known bugs that have existed and some UI bugs as well, and added some minor quality of life changes Zipline credit goes to EgoMoose! Global leaderboard credit to ThatTimothy! Zipline, self-explanatory, you just experiment with basic zipline, that's literally it lol ---------------------------------- hey guys, it's been a while, thank you for 100 likes, I appreciate it, I am going to rewrite this game in the near future to make it has more stuff, better UI stuff, and possibly some perks progression too! However it will take really long before I can rewrite this game due to other games I'm focusing on as a main priority, this was just a fun game I made to showcase someone else's work while putting my own stuff in to make it unique and fun, thank you for reading I know my work in here wasn't that much, but it's a honest work and I do really enjoy putting effort in it, might do more in the future, but not a main priority now ----------------------------------

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  • Zombie survival v0.51

    get ready to survive uhh some military people that are trying to rekt you and your teammates down xd idk why but enjoy anyways Changelog v0.51: +Added a button "Ready" and No", if you press ready you will be teleport in the round when the game start, press No will let you stay in the lobby while the other teleports into the round (i will update to remove the GUI when your in the round) +Lag improvement: Fixed zombie spawn delay to avoid server being lag xd

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  • Reflecting mirror 2.79

    updated and replaced all sounds to compensate for the new Roblox audio privacy update (still no 2.80 version i don't have time lol) Edit: remember that bug i was talking about, yea right, now its an option, its fixed but if you want to have that glitch again then just go to Menu in game then go to Settings and turn it on lol all credit goes to sStillwater https://www.roblox.com/users/109165256/profile hey hey, an update? well its just the teleport button and mute music button, because why not, you can now teleport to mah other stupid system game and this one too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what is this? this is a testing of a mirror that reflects all movement on you and other props and NPC, this is used in Camping 2 or whatever the game is it lol how does it work? Well all you need to do is walk around, push stuff, mirror will do the same, this isn't the real mirror, this is just a viewport clone of yourself, so you can touch it and other stuff or idk

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