
  • [18%]

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  • Singing in the Showẹr: 25K!

    Turn up your volume to hear the music in-game! I'm quitting ROBLOX for the most part, so sadly I will not be finishing the update to this game unless I decide to randomly come online one day. This game was originally made as an inside joke between me and a few friends but for some reason people actually enjoyed the game. I never imagined this game getting 500 visits, let alone over 25k. So as I've said before, thanks so much for all the support :) There are three new badges in the game, go check them out! There are more badges, as well as game passes, that will be added soon! The music video for this game is now on YouTube! The video thumbnail is only a shortened version, you can find the full version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GMWVlHeU90 Like or favorite the game if you enjoy it!

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  • Rube Goldberg Machine

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  • Skateboard Down A Ramp To The Winner's Island

    Update Notes: New music added, new featured skateboard (Ameriboard), and some minor bug fixes! I have a huge update planned, so be prepared to see that soon! Can you survive the ramp? You must avoid dangerous obstacles as you skate your way to victory, and land on The Winner's Island, where you can celebrate your success! This is currently Version 1.3. Many other updates are coming, including more skateboards and obstacles, game passes, achievements, and more! Please like/favorite this game if you enjoy it. It really helps me out. Also, if you have any suggestions for me, either message me or leave it in the comments below, and I will read it.

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  • Greenscreen/Recording Studio

    It's nothing more than that.

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Cataclysmal has no creations.