
  • Fort: Zipline

    This wasn't made to be playable, it was made as a demonstration and a personal test to see just how detailed I personally could make something. I choose the fort in my backyard and am glad to say it is board for board inch for inch an exact copy, it was never intended to work as a functioning zipline in the first-place, more of just a showcase. Thanks! 2419 visits! C'mon guys. -- Can we get 1,000 visits despite me never working on this? We will find out. -- Achievement unlocked! SO, I haven't worked on this for a while as I had kind of gotten out of ROBLOX. I think I may be working on this soon so yeah. Lots of pieces are out of place and crazy but that's because I was working on it then I got bored. Sorry -- As a way side-note that has nothing to do with this game, ROBLOX has sold out and it surprisingly makes me upset. I haven't been with them since the beginning but I've been here almost three years now and part of the reason I've left ROBLOX so much is beca

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