
  • Paintball!

    If you are restricted from joining and would like to play send me a friend request ** Press P to open the menu and view the store or select a weapon! ** Updates - Summer Camp event finished - Old maps added back in - 7 new summer themed maps - New summer lobby - New sounds - A lot of bug fixes - Added crouching and lying down - Spectate button during elimination - Can no longer place killstreaks in objects or near enemy spawns - Paint should not slow down during lag - Gave helicopter less health - Increased sensitivity of sentry gun Helicopter controls: WASD - Move, QE - Move up or down, Click - Fire, F - Fire rocket Controls: 1 - Select your paintball gun, Q / RMB - Aim, L Shift - Run faster, C - Crouch, L Ctrl / X - Lie down, F - Throw paint grenade, R- Reload, P - View menu

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  • Paintball 2! FIXED

    This is the second game in the Paintball! Series. Press M to view the in-game store during a match!

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  • In Development

    This isn't a game yet just something I've been working on. Development has slowed down because I'm back at school. Game Controls E - Use vehicle / ride as passenger / use mounted gun Left Click - Shoot Q / Right Click - Aim F - Throw paint grenade V - Melee attack R - Reload magazine C - Crouch Ctrl - Lie down Left Shift - Run

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  • Ambulance

    WASD - Drive H - Headlights F - Emergency lights R - Siren Q - Next siren E - Previous siren C - Air horn

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daxter33 has no creations.