
  • CoreStruck - Early Testing

    CoreStruck is a turn-based 4v4 strategy game. It is in extreme early testing, and not everything is complete yet. After it is out of early testing, the game is expected to have a decent amount of content and better visual effects. I do not understand the GUI complaints, everything was intentional, including the levitation of the buttons when moused over.

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  • Monster Shootout - Getting fixed...

    A monster has been seen lurking around. You as a soldier must defeat it, however it is heard that a machine can recreate the monster when the monster is dead. There is only a single weapon that can stop the respawn from functioning, however it cannot be created with the technology. Special parts are scattered around the map, rumored to be parts of a weapon of a scientist, who had created the monster. The weapon was thought to be an emergency use, in case if something went wrong. Now go get your weapons, whichever you get, and random equipment, find all parts, then defeat the monster.

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  • Assailant - Fixed!

    Assailant is a 3 or more player game. Guards must defend the businessman from assailants. Assailants are given night vision (when power is out), a few weapons, and a dagger. Guards have no night vision, do have only a pistol as a weapon, a flashlight, and a hammer to repair the power box when power is out. The businessman is given a gun of gold, which either kills an assailant instantly or injures an assailant. The businessman, when he is injured or when an assailant has been damaged, can open the door to the armory. In the armory, much more powerful weapons can be taken. The businessman cannot enter the armory. The assailants, to win, MUST kill the businessman and at least a single assailant must escape alive. This game is currently undergoing maintenance. Possibly that recent ROBLOX updates went out, several things have been broken and are now being fixed and repaired.

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  • Confused War

    Is it the war that is confused, or is it confusing? Why am I confused of this? Are you confused of it? I think that's why they called it the "Confused War." Battle with almost any gear imaginable(not currently because it's far from done) and destroy the enemy core.

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  • The Block - Testing

    Testing has been released! Please actually read the "What do I do here?" button, I am getting false feedback about this game being broken. My progress through creation of the game: WIP - Complete Testing - Current -Beta -Alpha -(no title) means the game is really fully public, but not fully released. -Full release(probably will never happen lol)

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  • The Five Monsters - Testing

    The Five Monsters is a game that's kind of like stalker and stop it slender, however there are differences that makes this game unique! In The Five Monsters there are two teams, the soldiers and the monsters. The soldiers need to take out the monsters or wait until reinforcements come, the monsters need to take out the soldiers. Each monster has their own unique ability, and have much more health than soldiers. When reinforcements come, monsters lose! WARNING: This game is EARLY in testing, bugs will be around every corner, so please keep that in mind when playing. NOTE: Updates are back to normal! Updates -9/14/2017 --New gun, shotgun 1 -9/8/2017 --New gun, sniper1 --Patched possible exploits and hacks -9/7/2017 --Minor bug fixes -9/6/2017 --Fixed Wizard Wand bug --Extended cool down time for ice potion from 20 to 30 seconds

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  • Cube survival

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Norberttony has no creations.