
  • Labyrinth: curse of the vampire©

    Posted 11 hours ago by bubblemachine out of every single horror game I have been on this by far is the best I have ever seen, the tension is really good as you are walking and expecting to the the vampire 100/10! Awesome no more instructions, time for you people to figure it out yourselves, Msg me ideas or anything for the map and i'll see what i can do. I might add something special at 5k visits. Update: details in the very beginning of the maze have been perfected and VIP removed Updates 4-20-10: changed pathway (not completely) and for those of you who complain about the lighting, i brightened it a bunch im working on scarier stuff, if you have ideas PM me I'm making a TV show similar to the basis of this game, if you want in, msg. me Note: THE GAME IS COPYRIGHTED, DONT STEAL THE NAME OR IDEA!

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