
  • LightbulbCamera

    A module meant to simulate the camera used in Light Bulb Reillumination.

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  • Light Bulb: Reillumination

    Due to a Roblox update in February 2022, a majority of the audios have been broken. History repeats itself, I suppose. A remake of Zeekerss' "Light Bulb", with more up-to-date scripting and building. "Light Bulb is an intense psychological thriller with a top-down perspective. You need to escape the maze before you are caught by it. Stay out of the dark, stay quiet, and don't get lost while you're on your way to the exit." This made for fun and as a tribute to the broken game, it will try to stay as close to the original as possible, with permission from Light Bulb's original creator. More info found in-game. 💡 Feel free to look at some of the other (original) games by the developers in the following group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/3049335/Yokimaa Roblox search tags: ( Lightbulb Illumination Scary ) This game was uncopylocked to celebrate its 1year anniversary, and in honor of the original, that also went uncopylocked.

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