
  • My Big Domino Set

    My domino set! I made this back in 2013 so I really hope you guys find this interesting. Back then I used to watch lots of satisfying videos of dominos on YouTube and yet, however; it's honestly still pretty amazing! XD I made this because I kind of wanted my own domino set and this is how it ended up! By the way it won't always work first try so just knock over the domino again to keep going.

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  • Treehouse

    The treehouse game was when I back then always wanted a treehouse in my backyard (still do). I kind of wanted to build something fun and enjoying for me to play on back in 2013. So don't be like, "oh this game is stupid" and etc. because this was made 7 years ago I was only 9 - 10 years old.

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  • Fighting Zone

    Fighting Zone was a game I made because my friend made a fighting-like game and I got persuaded to make my own too. His username is: CaptBarbossa. (No period). I know this game isn't the best and all because it's so what old but I hope you guys still enjoy it. Things may break in the game like the huge green building if you hit cars against it or hit cars against other structures. I don't think I can fix it so enjoy it while you still can!

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Litho_Sphere has no creations.