
  • thedragonartis's Place

    This is your very first Roblox creation. Check it out, then make it your own with Roblox Studio!

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  • find the dragon eggs and there family

    in this map you can look arownd for dragon eggs there is also dragon near then( the mud dragon fly away when you play so if you dont see annny dont worry) there is lava, water, ice, plant, crystal and mud dragons so go have fun and find them.

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  • dinosaur island

    Back story- you were stolin by pirats and they tock you onto there ship to become one of then, in the middle of the sea you were attacked by a nother pirat ship- you woke up two day later on a differnt island and the pirats that ##### you were no were to be seen, you and some other people the pirats ##### were now traped on this island, near by you saw some small boats and when you got on the you all saw a bigger island near by so you and the other people when over there but what you saw on that island was something no one have ever seen, will you all be able to find the other ship to live or will you die on the way there?

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  • animals

    just have fun and dont worry this was not ment to be a proper game so just have fun

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