
  • Project Traitor

    A reboot of "Noble 's Murder", a game I created way back when I used to play old Roblox revivals. Originally on Graphictoria and Finobe, it's here on Roblox, completely refreshed for 2022! Be sure to set your abilities in the bottom right corner. This game is in its early stages, so more content'll be coming frequently! Thanks for your patience!

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  • Kit Battle!

    WIP GAME - updates semi-frequently battle it out using some randomly thrown together stuff please read gamepass descriptions before you buy, the kit upgrades only apply to certain kits! some creds: max5564 - furry, smug dance, and downed transition animations Red - cone gunner, super soaker models + kit battle guide EgoMoose - portal renderer, lots of code, rthro scale normalization lnr_o - Mini Bus model rallarei - Boss Tippin' badge icon skatecar01 - BanjoKazooie animation, modelling Chasm Sword Weplaythusgame - Explorer Kit JiveOff - R.I.P RoPresence RoActivity API.. yellowfats - gun animations Elttob - recreating the stock nameplate UI (tysm!), Fusion dogwarrior24 - LootPlan RNG generation greendummy - Circular Air Meter, new menu music Creataurus - airhorn sound NamerElf - kit preview models you - for trying the game :D thumbnail creators credits are in the thumbnail itself map creators credits are ingame under "Map Credits" in the kit selection menu

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  • Bus Simulator

    ⚠️ This game contains flashing lights. Tread w/ caution if you have epilepsy! ⚠️ Youtubers should mute the music in this game. The button's in the top left corner. ⚠️ Fake shirts are being sold. Our official shirts are only sold in the group below. Buying these fake shirts WON'T support us! 💡 You can right click or long press on chat messages to translate them. What do you do in this game? Well. All you do is: wait for your stop. created by noble 4j n' steven! creds: Airhorn - Steven_Scripts Simon Says - EgoMoose Autorank - Rankgun more in the fanart room ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This game is probably canon to Bus Stop Simulator Chat commands: !color - change minibus color !lcolor - left airpod !rcolor - right airpod !anim - change sit animation !cmds - vip servers only !setheart - change heart color !setrole - change shown role !note [msg] - set driver note !togglepd - for donation chat tags !quote - for simon says ~Record for overall server time: 200 Hours... ~efeuc is the best driver ❤️

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  • piza (super not finished)

    your mom threatens to kick you out of the house. you produce too many dorito crumbs and mt. dew puddles from your gamer den. she wants you to get a job, but you've never gone to college. this is your only hope. welcome to jo' and bro's pizza. This game supports every platform (yes, even VR) Votekick abusive players with votekick/name some credits: Dued1 - inspiration Steven_Scripts - some parts of dialog code 4J3K - Custom housing models skatecar01 - Pear JetTheHeck - Bird Bath RedNoob5050 - Red's Trashpile (fun fact, the first day i advertised this game someone immediately stole the models. didn't know roblox exploiters could get at that low of a level, or want my crappy modeling, lol)

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  • Place Explorer

    hop onto the place explorer, and let it take you wherever.

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  • Faith Of Panels

    TOTALLY NOT A PLATES OF FATE RIPOFF AT ALL Welcome to Faith Of Panels, where.. well.. you put your faith into your panel! This is pretty much just a small project, nothing great. game inspiration https://www.roblox.com/games/564086481/Plates-of-Fate-Mayhem ABOUT THE GAME ----------------------------- Q: What is this game? A: This is a game "heavily inspired" by Plates of Fate. If you have never heard of it, basically the concept is that everyone gets a plate, and random stuff happens that you have to try to survive. Q: What is "Winners Load"? A: Winners Load is a extra little something you get after winning a round. This value increases with the amount of items bought from the shop. You get about 1/8th of the price of the items bought. Q: stop copying plates of fate omg imma sue u A: no

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  • Noblocity

    Remember Noblocity from Graphictoria? Maybe even from Finobe? It's being remade. (this game is actually my 314th game :O)

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  • Noble 's Admin House

    totally not a rip off of kohls ok

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  • Funny Gun

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NobleReign has no creations.