
  • Nothing Is Forever

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  • Hole in the Sky

    War ended 1953, 27th of August Chemical found in 1987 and brought to the public 1992 Break Day 2005, July 5th. The Last City formed in 2010. Finished on 2015, October 5th. New York?

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  • SEƎD

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  • Xulith Nir

    If you've played the other multitude of my RP games you should know that the role play ideas allowed on them aren't strict AT ALL. You can do a modern day RP on here, I don't care. This is the 3rd remake of a medieval RP game I once made. I'm pretty happy with this remodeling so I doubt I'm going to remake Just saying, the game looks like a buttcheek on a stick if you don't have your graphics up to 8. Not saying it's required but that's the lowest graphics level that will allow the game to actually look good and have an actual view and scenery that's worth it to look at. Lore: This is a fantasy role play game. There's two Kingdoms in a war against each other on who shall rule Xulith Nir. The outlandish human army of Eadran who are organized, well-armed and trained and simply powerful. And the interracial kingdom who rightfully own Xulith Nir. The land is scattered with different creatures and animals. Elves, Dragons, Orcs, Druids, Trents, and so on.

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