
  • ╔ The Underground Obby ╗

    DO NOT USE GIVERS AFTER MORPHING! This wil cause most scripts to break. Doing so will get you permanently banned. ♦ The Underground Obby is an unique cave-themed obstacle course. Getting to the end can be horrid, but the rewards will be great. All you need to do is to work together and be tactical. ♦ The first ten people to send me a screenshot with themselves next to my statue will be glorified in the hall of fame. ♦ Rules: 1) No spamming or flooding. 2) No spawn killing. 3) No swearing, unless the swears are mild like 'darn' or 'crud'. Anyone who breaks these rules may be kicked by saying kick/NAME. ♦ Admins: HavokSektor, renee188

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