
  • Chillax Skate Park

    Hello to everyone who happens to stumble across this old gem. I am planning to fix this as best as possible, although most skateboards don't work anymore because of Roblox updates. It is likely I will close this game. Sorry...

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  • hyperprincessgirl's first game!

    Note: Do you know why I kept this game? Because It's OLD ROBLOX and I never want OLD ROBLOX to go away. Okay it sucks I know I'm very sorry Really, you don't even know.

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  • #21 - Hypertown - Version 0.0.6 - Beta

    ***Under construction*** This will eventually be Hypertown, a town full of wicked awesome people full of hyperness. Who is the mayor? Me of course. Soon to come: Residents' houses and a mayor's office. Currently Working on: House Finished: Spawn point, garage for a house. Notice: I am a horrible scripter, so do NOT blame me for free models... Well, yeah, blame me, cause it's dumb... But still, understand that I am bad at scripting.

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hyperprincessgirl has no creations.