

  • The Runner

    🏃 Run through 40 fun and challenging landscapes to save the world from great evil! 🏃 👍Don't forget to like the game if you enjoyed it! The higher the like ratio is the higher the chance is for The Runner 2 in the near future!👍 💵 I don't recommend buying coils or trails after chapter 1, you will have to rejoin and lose progress. 💵 ↻You will need to rejoin after buying a gamepass in game↻ 💻Dialogue is only compatible with PC💻 📖 Only complete running game on ROBLOX with dialogue and story. 📖 👎[Please don't dislike the game just because you found it difficult]👎 📜[CREDITS] 📜 🔨Builders:🔨 GeniusIdeas 📝Scripters:📝 [Not granted any percentage of profits as I payed them beforehand] mattscy [Lead scripter] Nikkulai BunnyBoy26 Realizationz W8X romanaisawesome 💰Supporters💰 diligencies Bee_Hop Dynamicblingbling TheRealxReugene jack1nat0r amrd SMUSH21 [Thank you to Vurse and his game Speed Run 4 for my inspiration]

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