
  • Blackout - Open Beta

    Beta is a great success. Thank you all for helping out. It is the late 23rd century. You find yourself in the hangar bay of an alien base with nothing but a flashlight and your engineering skills. Head into the airlock with your flashlight, hold F and hover over materials to pick them up. Use them to upgrade your tools and build your base. Your goal is of survival; You must survive the darkness. (YOUR DATA WILL SAVE AUTOMATICALLY) Here's a short tutorial by my friend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3K0AM1bsE0 FUTURE UPDATES: - Ships and space battles - More tools - More multiplayer options

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  • Sword fight in the clouds

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  • (Base) Fort HARA

    Fort HARA - The pride and joy of HARA. Built in the year 2023 in a lake in near where Haronia would one day be founded. It is a fort made to control the hostile forces that arrived in the year 2019 in a small base built under an island in 1942.

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  • (Base) Fort Mccoy

    Fort Mccoy, HARA's main defensive against hostile invaders. Constructed in 2040 by building contractors and finished by the Haronian military, it is a state of the art tactical defense fort. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rules: 1. Do not kill civilians unless they pose a legitimate threat. Civilians can not harm us unless they get access to certain technologies. 2. Follow higher ranking soldier's orders. 3. Do not abuse anything such as pointers. 4. Report all bugs and exploiters to comiconor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you would like to join HARA, go to http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=230283 and join. The uniform can be found in the store. When you have joined, rejoin the server if you are already in one to be on the HARA team. You can go to the recruitment center to get information on the group.

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  • (Base) HARA Rally Place

    This is where HARA rallies for raids. There is some tech here that most groups could not even make, let alone as easilly.

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  • (Base) Fort Kilo

    Kilo Valley, Haronia - A.K.A Fort Kilo - built 2039. Outpost utopia was originally meant to be a city, but the construction was cut short and it was barricaded due to hostile activity in the area. It is now a military base with fully functioning living quarters. After being pushed back to the rocky outer edges of the valley, both HARA and raiders have equal chance at capturing the outpost. The only way to win is to kill your enemies.

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  • Capital Coeur, Haronia

    Capital Coeur, Haronia: The capital city of Haronia, located in the center of the country. There is a nuclear fusion powerplant, suburbs, government buildings, etc.

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