
  • Portfolio (Dueling Too)

    Goes without saying: Dueling And my Portfolio

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  • Guess The Song for Admin

    -Guess The Song- Not the most original idea, but definitely fun. Join, chat, play the game, and yes, just have fun. Game Rules: 1. Get TP'd into the playing stage by a mod or admin 2. Choose a color, players will be organized once they pick a color depending on number of players 3. A song will play after a 10 second countdown, and you will guess the name 4. Whoever gets the song's name right (spelling counts) will get to choose one of the 8 colors to eliminate a life 5. Whoever is the last one standing wins. 6. Winning 4 times will currently earn you mod, so you can host a few rounds Rules: 1. Don't swear excessively 2. Admin and Co Owners word is final (Owner as well) 3. Spelling COUNTS -Nick

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