
  • Noobs vs Zombies: Realish Reborn

    Noobs vs Zombies: Realish Reborn is a comedic shooter where you play as the Noobs and Zombies. Throughout battles, you'll see many NPCs, unique weapons, map features, armor, upgrades, vehicles, heroes and more! Rank up using XP to unlock new perks, equipment, and cosmetics! Then prestige and do it all over again a second time with some sweet rewards! This game is currently in Pre Alpha, and as such, everything is subject to change! Due to the early development stage, this game might be unstable. You've been warned! Last Update: 2024-08-06 (Quality of Life Changes, 2 Map Reworks, and Balancing Changes) This game takes inspiration from Noobs vs Zombies: Realish (NVZR) and Noobs vs Zombies: Tycoon 2 (NVZT2) by somedeviser. This game has permissions from all necessary owners to use the contents within. Credit to GIBUSHAT4 for some thumbnails Group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/14798544/Realish-Reborn#!/about

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  • Clone Tycoon Warfare

    Battle it out with friends in this Clone Tycoon! Clone yourself and create a clone army! Group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/15034501/Clone-Warfare-Tycoon-Group

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  • Mutant Testing Reborn

    Group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/14796562/Mutant-Testing-Reborn# USING PRIVATE SERVERS IS HIGHLY ADVISED! The classic Mutant Testing, but Reborn with new scripting! Experiment with different NPCs and watch them fight! NPCs include all the Mutants, Noobs, and Zombies seen in Realish. Including NPCs from The Maze, and vehicles that never made it into the game! Private Server Owners get exclusive abilities to further their experimentation! Get a Private Server for Free! Credits located in-game. Latest Content Update: 06/28/2022 Basic Tags: Mutants, Noobs Vs Zombies Realish, Testing, Experiment, Infection Infectionist, NVZR.

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