
  • Iron Warriors and Black Hawkz HQ

    Meh, this clan is dead anyways. -- Old description: PM me if you're a member of Iron Warriors or Black Hawkz for the code for the code doors. Disabled comments because SOME people are picky about what models I use.

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  • Iron Warriors Recruitment Center *CLOSED*

    Here is where we recruit new members. This is the first offical release. Gear disabled in case enemy clans come in with weapons and use them to kill people who are trying to recruit. After being recruited, go here: http://www.roblox.com/Groups/group.aspx?gid=32294 Then click "Request to Join Group". Also, only come here when I'm on the server because I'm the only one who can access the buttons that control the door that lets people into the "Successful Recruits" room. How do I access that room with such ease? That isn't your business.

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  • Iron Warriors and Black Hawkz Airship Base

    Black Hawkz Crew: Red Wings Iron Warriors Crew: Blue Wings Everybody spawns at "Other People" by default. If you're a crew member or if we know you, me or harbour will teleport you to us, and you can touch one of the crew spawn areas. If we have never met you before, or if we have and you're from an enemy clan, we will destroy you.

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  • Iron Warriors and Black Hawkz Seaship Base

    Everybody spawns at "Other People" by default. If you're a crew member or if we know you, me or harbour will teleport you to us, and you can touch one of the crew spawn areas. If we have never met you before, or if we have and you're from an enemy clan, we will destroy you.

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  • Iron Warriors and Black Hawkz Desert Base

    Our desert base. The "Enemy Clan" team is for players who are from an enemy clan, the "Iron Warriors" team is for players from our clan, and "People Who Just Entered" are people who just entered the server. PM me for the code to the door. I will NOT give you the code if you're from an enemy clan.

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  • Iron Warriors and Black Hawkz Battlefield

    This is a wide open space for Iron Warriors members to either train or have a showdown with members from an enemy clan. If we are TRAINING, those who disrupt us will be banned from the server.

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  • Iron Warriors and Black Hawkz Radar Base

    A radar.

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  • Iron Warriors and Black Hawkz National Bank


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  • My Very First Place

    This is the first place that I ever made. This is what my Battlefield of Awesomeness was once-upon-a-time. I decided that since I have TBC, I'd re-upload it so I could re-live the past. This was made 5/17/2009 2:24:17 PM. Ahhh, good times. :)

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  • Hangout

    Hangout for me and my friends. My friends ONLY.

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  • Classic Happy Home in Robloxia

    Used to be The Krusty Krab VS The Chum Bucket, but since that place was old mold, I changed it to this....er....special "present" for the Veterans of Roblox who miss the old days. It's Un-Copylocked, so feel free to use it however you want to.

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  • Gear Fights on the Heights

    I admit that this is another rip-off of Sword Fights on the Heights.

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  • Live on Mars *UNFINISHED*

    So the storyline is that Robloxia has invented the next generation of spaceships. It's just like a modern-day spaceship, only it goes at super sonic speed, giving you the advantage of uncovering mysterious planets and galaxies. You and your friends decide to use this opportunity to be the first people to set foot on mars. So you get in a spaceship, and within 10 minutes, you arrive at mars! And you brought along some skilled builders so you can make a civilization (spelling?) on mars. So everybody starts building away and finally all of you manage to build a little town on mars. But, even though you think you're having a good time and all, aliens start attacking you! And then it dawns on everybody that living on mars won't be easy...

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  • Cart Ride to Mars *UNFINISHED*

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  • My House

    Just a peaceful house that I live in.

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  • BlittleMcNilsen's Script Builder

    This is for if Ananimus's script builder breaks or if you just wanna get away from that glitched-up output GUI. It works exactly the same as Ananimus's: you say do/(script here) to execute the script. Unlike Anaminus's, this one doesn't have the restrictions that Anaminus's has, and it has no Output bar. Have fun! Updates: Renamed the base to "Base" rather than "DoNotDeleteThisNeebs", as I kept forgetting it's new name, made an epix LUA skybox, and added public commands. The public commands are: reset and rebase. There's also some secret ones. See if you can find them. ;)

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  • Mesh Downloader for Find The Truth of The Cake

    For if you can't see the big cake mesh. VISIT SOLO OR IT WON'T WORK!!!

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  • Floating Gold Mountain in The Sky

    The contest ended. Not a single visit or vote. D: Well that's what I get for entering late. I'll still leave this place up, though. Watch out for the fake gold! It kills you! If you make it to the end, then choose a weapon and have war against the climbers! :D V.I.P./Admin: http://www.roblox.com/V-I-P-Admin-Shirt-for-My-Places-item?id=14712275

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  • Drive Trucks Into Random Things!

    This game is simple: You get in a truck and you drive it into random things. The random things are: Snoopy's Doghouse, Happy Home in ROBLOXia, and an empty building. The only free models in this game are: The regen buttons, the Happy Home in ROBLOXia, the Admin commands, the Vote To Kick Player Script, and some stuff in the V.I.P. room. Everything else is made by me. ------------------------------------------------------ Comments are allowed, but any trolls, flamers, or spammers and they go bye-bye. V.I.P./Admin T-shirt is here: http://www.roblox.com/V-I-P-Admin-Shirt-for-My-Places-item?id=14712275 This shirt works for both the V.I.P. door AND the Admin commands. If it doesn't work for you, PM me, and I will fix it. --------------------------------------------- If someone is being abusive, say "kick [playername]", and if over half of the players vote to kick that player, the player will recieve NoTorsoItis. Have fun!

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  • Find The Truth of The Cake *OBBY* *READ DESCRIPT*

    [Version 2.3] IF YOU CAN'T SEE THE HUGE PORTAL CAKE MESH, GO HERE (in solo mode, or it won't work): http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?ID=15240534 For some time now cake has always been considered a "lie". Well, in this obby, you get to explore the depths of a cake itself, and find out exactly what properties of it lie and fib, and what properties of it tell truth and truth only. Admin/V.I.P. is here: http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?ID=14712275

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