
  • Mechanical in Nature

    This is just something relaxing. Players that are used to old Roblox will get it. If an item has a cursor symbol above it, it can be interacted with by clicking/tapping on it if you're less than 8 studs away from it. (Keep in mind that you can't interact with things this way if you're holding an item!) A lot of things are secrets in this place, meant for you to discover yourself.

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  • Randomly Evolving Blocks

    Based on AI Evolution.

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    Probably won't be working on this anymore because of how uncooperative Roblox's physics are, but it IS fully playable in its current state. There may be stray bugs (despite my best debugging efforts) or Roblox physics inconsistencies. Just a heads up.

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  • Draw It: Redrawn

    Version 1.6. This is supposed to be a recreation of Stickmasterluke's game, Draw It!, with FilteringEnabled. As well as fixes to some of the flaws in that game. When you're chosen as the artist, pick a word and draw. When you aren't, guess what the artist is drawing in the chat. Simple, right? This probably goes without saying, but there needs to be at least 2 players to play this properly. Use the vote kick RESPONSIBLY. That is to say, don't try to vote kick just because you think the artist is bad at drawing. The vote kick is meant for greater offenses, such as inappropriate drawings. Sound effects provided by Ra1n0x.

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  • Laser optics

    It was 11 PM and I had nothing better to do. Don't ask.

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  • Early testing

    Version 1.4.2. Won't be continued for personal reasons, but was fun to work on.

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  • Zero gravity test

    This place may potentially cause motion sickness. Visit at your own risk. KEYBOARD CONTROLS: W, A, S, D, E, Q - Accelerate forward/left/backward/right/up/down T, G, R, Y - Tilt forward/backward/left/right F, H - Spin counterclockwise/clockwise

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  • Puzzle Maker

    I should really come up with ideas that I can complete in 1½ day more often. Keep in mind that the ID number you're inputting has to be the *image ID*, not the decal ID - otherwise the image won't load. To find this ID, you need to reverse the ID on the decal page until you find an identical image.

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  • Backgammon

    This could've been programmed differently, but eehh. Either way, it's the first thing I ever created with FilteringEnabled.

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  • Mr. Bones Wild Ride

    The ride never ends. (...I get the feeling most people don't remember these kinds of memes anymore.)

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neongoo51 has no creations.