
  • Colour attack

    Attack each Colour and steal their coloured flag.

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  • Race to the limit - MAJOR UPDATE 1.1

    Race to the limit and go face to face with other robloxians. Wanna have tour ? Then fly around and look down below. Also, play as a band and let your voice be heard. MAJOR UPDATE 1.1 This update includes: - Roller coaster ride - 4 Pet pigs - Much more gear Mssg from lightknight602: Thank you all. The people who had faith in me and the groups, thank you. I'm so great full for all of you and I hope robloxia turns to a whole new level. Thank you

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  • Gear test

    Test here, its has dummies, space and targets

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  • Master swords ( not finished )

    In this place you'll experience adventure, porkour, puzzles and mysteries. Be the first one to get the all the sword, the MAGIC katanas and the bow of FLIGHT by fighting other people. Be the TOP, be the ONE Update info - Will be a update on each holiday - Longer holiday, bigger updates Including - Includes rare swords - Obstacles - Puzzles - Guns might be available

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  • Capture the flag ( Dynamic lighting added )

    No VIP so everything will be fair and no admin either. This game is about stealing the flag but you have to make pass noobs that shoot you. Be careful!

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lightknight602 has no creations.