
  • Brickbattle on the Heights

    Possibly the laziest idea for a Brickbattle map. I do not take credit for anything in this game. Credits: Original map - Telamon Tools - GloriedRage Anti autoclicker - Electrified_In Tool Order Updater - GFink (say /toolorder) Spectate Button - GloriedRage

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  • Wild Campgrounds

    QuadTDM brickbattle map. Built by NeonVertSword and softos Ideas by softos Tools by GloriedRage Tool Order Updater by GFink (say /toolorder) Spectate Button by GloriedRage Tested by sluber The glories of a mountain campfire are far greater than may be guessed.

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  • Abandoned Mine [REMASTERED]

    Built by NeonVertSword Tools by GloriedRage Tool Order Updater by GFink (say /toolorder) Spectate Button by GloriedRage Even if you're sitting on a gold mine, you still have to dig.

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  • Neon's Curry House | Meadows


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  • Southern Catacombs

    TDM brickbattle map. COMMANDS: /toolorder [To change tool order permanently] CREDITS: Built by NeonVertSword Tools by GloriedRage Tool Order Menu by GFink Spawns Fixed by sluber Spectate Button by GloriedRage Tested by PetaIe and sluber It just feels like the dead are angrier here.

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  • Autumn Falls

    Predecessor of Chillbreath Avenue. Built by NeonVertSword and RocketJumpRalts Tools by GloriedRage Anti-AC by Electrified_In Tool Order Updater by GFink (say /toolorder) Spectate Button by GloriedRage

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  • Isolation Lab

    A brickbattle map dedicated to lockdown. Built by NeonVertSword and unlarv. Tools by GloriedRage. Anti-AC by Electrified_In. Tool Order Updater by GFink (say /toolorder) Spectate Button by GloriedRage

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  • Dhaen's Oasis

    Simple brickbattle map built by NeonVertSword. Tools by GloriedRage. Anti-AC by Electrified_In. Tool Order Updater by GFink (say /toolorder) Spectate Button by GloriedRage Life is always like a desert. You'll either find an oasis or will end up in a mirage while finding one.

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  • Chillbreath Avenue

    Built by NeonVertSword and RocketJumpRalts. Tools by GloriedRage. Scripting done by Electrified_in. Tool Order Updater by GFink (say /toolorder) Spectate Button by GloriedRage In that frozen place, that ice-world, it was as if the sea had frozen mid-wave, curling upward into the brilliant rays, still rippled from the wind. I stood there open eyed, as if a palace could arise by magic. As one moment became the next the cloud and sky pattern reflected in the surface ever so gently and gave it a feeling of motion from my boots to the horizon and doubtless beyond.

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  • Lochpine River

    Fed fat by mountain streams, the river poured, a yeasty flood, over the ford, a roaring terror of swift waters. Say "/start" to begin CTF mode. Only people that are able to start it are NeonVertSword, sluber, Fozetz, Recruitsoldier, Zunthur, Electrified_In. Credits: Built by NeonVertSword and Electrified_In Tools by GloriedRage CTF Gamemode by Recruitsoldier Leaderboard by Electrified_In Anti AC by Electrified_In Tool Order Changer by GFink (say /toolorder) Spectate Button by GloriedRage Ideas by Fozetz and Sluber Tested by Krasys

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