
  • Studville: [A Classic Brickbattle Collaboration]

    NOTCE: Please understand that the cart tracks currently lead to nowhere, the old cart system is broken due to new Roblox physics, so please cease your complaints about it until I finally have them fixed. This map is going to be tweaked and perfected for a while longer (I'm also aware of the bugs), I'll work on it if I ever have any time. Splitting off into EXPLORE and DESTRUCTION mode as soon as I am satisfied with the map (could be a while). Come and experience a fun piece ROBLOX's history in this original brickbattle map! A wide variety of antique ROBLOX models have been chosen from an even wider variety of games dating between 2006-2008 to comprise the ULTIMATE brickbattle tribute map. From Volcanic Island, to Glass Houses, to Crossroads, to Chaos Canyon, to SFOTH and SO much MORE! This map predates 2009-2016 architecture, so don't miss out! [..Currently Expanding..]

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  • ★The Legend of Paradise Islands★

    Hunt down and locate the 6 letter tiles strewn across Paradise Islands that guard Captain Limestone's treasure, ye who dare. After 7 long years, I will not be updating Paradise Islands any longer. [Please note that the game is incomplete and there are some things that may not work well, (and the buildings are average quality). Some things are over 5 years old, the newest building is the lighthouse and it was only built in 2013. The game itself has not been properly worked on since March 2014.] Enjoy anyway, and please leave a thumbs up! ©Paradise Islands 2016

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  • A Work In Progress

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Dino77 has no creations.