
  • The City of Valkoa

    -- Jobs -- Security - Patrols city, making sure nothing bad happens Mansion Cook - Cooks in KateXyo's Luxury Mansion Mansion Guard - Guards the Mansion Villager - Just a villager. -- Only friends will be able to build, and people I trust. --

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  • Sthydruk Theatre!

    Sthydruk Theatre is currently being worked on. It will be worked on by trained builders and when done will be very modern and sleek. Some free models have been used and I give full credit to the owners of them. _____________ On another note, we are looking for skilled actors willing to take part in my movie, "The School of Sthydruk!" a story consisting of many things that will make you laugh, cry, shriek, gasp, and the lot! We are looking for: -X1 Narrator -X3 Kids -X1 Bully -X1 Teacher -X1 Headmaster/Mistress. Each of these people will need to have fluent English built within them and be able to type fast and most importantly, follow instructions. I, Sthya Cythaiska [A.K.A KateXyo] am the Stage Director and I have come up with the plot already. _____________ We need about 2 or more builders to help build the Theatre. Any talented builder will be accepted. We need NO security at this moment in time, we will hire more nearing the time of the plays. For now we

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  • [-TVL-] HOLO Aspiritas.

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  • The Executer V1.

    In building mode! Here's how it'll go when it's done. -- I FF a random person and then teleport them to me. I give them a sword. Then they are to go chasing the innocents [all other players] around the city. I also pick a Hero to help defeat the villain. The villain will have about 10,000 HP, making him a tough enemy. The Hero will have about 5,000 HP. -- "This is a game of skill. Play it as you must. But you are playing with your life." -KateXyo

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  • Medieval Life V.1

    [MEDIEVAL-LIFE] Medieval Life is a roleplay game where players can be one of 4 beings; a villager, a werewolf, a vampire, or a demon. [MEDIEVAL-LIFE] The story. Welcome to the kingdom of Asamus. You walk into the town and think it is ordinary, with your usual peaceful villagers. You are wrong. You notice after the first hour that things are strange, such as appearings in your bedroom, which you put down to the sunlight, but more weird things happen like the sun turning pitch black, and other stuff. You realise you want to get out of this town, but you can't. Once you are in you are in because if you pass the gate leading into the town, you somehow end back in the town again. [MEDIEVAL-LIFE] The admins. KateXyo Dialga90909 [MEDIEVAL-LIFE] The rules. #1 You must listen to the admins. Think of them as gods. #2 Admins must also listen to the users. If many users disagree on an update, etc, you must tell Master Admin KateXyo via PM or Party if she is online. #3 Make sure to ha

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