
  • Svar Colonial Base Beta

    A facility on a strange planet with an abnormally high rate of asteroid hits. Your main task will be to protect the facility from them. Join Asvail: https://www.roblox.com/groups/5676129 UPDATE 0.3 Remastered the main point of the game. Remastered the control center. There are now two missiles (1 for short range; 1 for long range) ->Created two launch silos for each. ->The long range missile can be used eariler, but must be calibrated in its launch silo The asteroid hit sequence is remastered ->Different animation for the asteroid hit. ->Voice annoucements, background, music, etc. Tags: Nuclear, Core, Sci-Fi, Meltdown, Space, Asteroid

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  • Settlement Constructer: Ancient Greece

    Inspired by the Dreams game: City Builder: Rome Open Beta Release - September 11th 2021 Closed Alpha Release - June 30th 2021

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