
  • Darim Ibn-La'Ahad

    Information: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=158013457 (Modern) http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=156080926 (Colonial) My Alts: ninjawarriorgoldALT, HiddenBladed (All of my old groups are being held by this account)

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  • Fort Lully, 1718

    Navassa was a British fort located on a small island off the coast of Jamaica, in the Caribbean. It was eventually besieged and overrun by Edward Kenway and the crew of the Jackdaw. The island was located in a stretch of sea between the islands of Jamaica and Haiti; as such, vessels were forced to either sail within range of the fort's cannons, or be made to sail the long way around either island. After Kenway captured the fort, a harbormaster's station was built by the docks, where Kenway also accepted naval contracts on behalf of the trader Milo van der Graaff. As of the 1730s, the island fort had yet to be re-garrisoned, and remained a ruin. At some point, the pirate Edward Kenway attacked the fort, using his warship Jackdaw to destroy its defences, before his crew invaded the fort on foot. Edward managed to kill the fort's ranking officers and commander, after which the fort fell under Black Flag's control. Credit to: UptonTravers, Mithandir

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  • Animus 1.28

    "You're inside the Animus. It's a projector which renders genetic memories in three dimensions." ―Warren Vidic to Desmond Miles, 2012 The Animus (plural: Animi) is a virtual reality machine rediscovered, developed, and sold by Abstergo Industries. It allows the user to read a subject's genetic memory, and project it onto an external screen in three dimensions.

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  • Black Isle, Caribbean Sea

    The Harp's Star is the flagship of the Black Flag, a pirate fleet that existed during the times of Revolution, Piracy, and Imperialism. The ship is a man-of-war that was captured in the Caribbean Sea in the year 1755. The ship was originally a famous British ship called "HMS Victory," but it was renamed by the new Captain soon after capturing it. It now roams the West Indies and Atlantic Ocean along with it's crew and Captain, bringing freedom and ending tyranny wherever it goes.

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  • The Hall of Assassins

    A temple located at an undisclosed location which holds statues honoring members of the creed. Only the most devoted assassins get a statue here, it is not easy to have one dedicated to yourself. Assassins represented in stone here include those who are veterans of the brotherhood, heroes, liberators, and martyrs. The temple also holds information that is centuries old and new lore as well in an ancient library. It is a great place to learn about the brotherhood. Currently holds statues of: Mentore Mithandir, Maestro Assassino Noctal, Maestro Assassino Susurrat, Maestro Assassino seanr568, Dignitario ilNiccolo

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  • New York, 1785

    The Tyranny of King Washington. This is NOT a historical game. It follows an alternate timeline after the American Revolutionary war where George Washington declares himself the king of the United States. After months of fighting, The New Continental Army has captured one of King Washington's most prized cities. King Washington commissioned the building of a enormous pyramid fortress as a monument to himself. We will not stand for his tyranny any longer. We will protect this city and it's citizens at all costs. Credit to Zernov Recent updates: Added Atlantic Trading Company Fort, Added Merry Inn. (Both approved by owners of said groups.) Added rebel team. JOIN THE MILITARY HERE!: http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1156503

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  • Bouvet Island, Atlantic Ocean

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  • Boston

    Focus, use all of your senses at once. Follow the path, and you will find your answer.

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  • Completed MDA Ship Bodies

    Galleon and Cutter

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  • Hat Collection

    the legend has returned

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ilNiccolo has no creations.